Echochrome ii Review  

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Echochrome ii Review

The game has a very simple intuitive control scheme which is easy for any player to pick-up-and-play even for players who’ve never played with the Move before. This helps make the game very accessible and eliminates the frustration of learning any long laundry list of controls to remember like in other games. In addition there are easy to follow tutorials, where the game introduces all of the features the first time the player encounters them; from the first movements of the light to the difference between the game modes and even tips for create mode are all helpful.
Echochrome ii like the original has a rather unique graphical style: but unlike the original, this time around there is also a more colourful side to the title which is a nice change from the original. The game also has very calming music which certainly can help soothe the mind when tackling the more difficult levels of the game.
Three Modes
Echochrome ii has three separate game modes for each level; adding replay value as well as a lot of extra challenge to the title. While this means if players complete a level by fluke in one mode it still leaves the player well and truly puzzled on the others.
Escort mode sets the player a start point and lets them find the final finish point by moving the lights around to create a shadow doorway. While the mode starts off relatively easy, it soon racks up in difficulty which meaning the game will never be too easy. The classic echo mode returns, although this time as the second mode of the title. Just like the original it will occasionally have the player or even players scratching their heads on how to get that last echo; but this just adds to the challenge and enjoyment of the title when you finally manage to complete the level. The final mode is paint and players have to look after three separate shadows, often on different sections of the shadows, while trying to colour in a certain proportion of the level. This can get rather hectic trying to color in the last few squares while attempting to keep all the shadows alive giving the game a certain interesting twist.
Create Mode
Create mode majorly increases the replay value of echochrome ii. Not only does it allow players to create 84 of their own levels, they can choose their favourite 12 to upload. Uploaded levels can be downloaded by anyone meaning there will always be the option for a brand new and unique level design for players to attempt. The creation of a level is relatively simple which allows any player to give it a go. Draw the shadow pattern for the level then move blocks around in the 3D space to let players create the shadow needed to complete it. Players can also add in all the main elements from the pre-created levels such as jumps, stairs and echoes allowing great and possibly extremely hard levels to be created. The mode also has a nice test where players have to complete the level proving it works before being able to upload it; overall meaning there will be lots of great levels with no impossible levels slipped in.
Upload Gameplay
Whether players complete a level by skill or fluke not only will their time be recorded but after completing any level players get the opportunity to upload a recording of the level they just played straight to their account on YouTube. This is a neat feature which more and more games seem to be getting recently but it can be great to show off fast times or even ways to complete levels to friends if they are stuck.



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